Monday, August 9, 2010

The Iron Bluebonnet

Think about what you're doing in your life. 

Now, think about what you want to do with your life.

Is the answer different? 

Now, take out of the equation things like, "I want to do _____, but I can't make money at it, so this is the next best thing," and "It's not a real job."

Is your answer still different?

Here's the thing--It doesn't have to be. You really can do what you want to do for a living. Case in point--I do martial arts, ghost hunting, and write for a living. Not just getting by, but making a damn good living. 

But, as good as I have it, I'm not all the way to what I want yet. I'm not quite there. I'm still terrifically shy. I'm inappropriate at all the wrong times. I second guess myself too much. I'm pretty OCD. I'm afraid of everyone and everything around me. And worse, all of these things (and probably many more) are holding me back from being the person that I want to be. 

I want to be an Iron Bluebonnet. 

Steel MagnoliaA southern woman who is strong and independent yet very feminine.

I'd like to say that I'm a Steel Magnolia, but I'm from Texas. Steel Magnolias are from softer Southern States: Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana. Steel Magnolias are a little more gentle. 

Texas girls are a little more rough and tumble than Magnolias. 

So, I'll be an Iron Bluebonnet. 

Iron Bluebonnet: A southern woman who is strong, independent, and feminine, who knows what she wants and goes after it relentlessly.

I want to be the example of a woman who did not have to compromise her goals to meet her life, but instead changed her life to meet her goals. 

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